Program Stages


At Serenity Living Management we divide our program into six distinct stages.  These stages are what we refer to as “Stepping Stones.”  The Stepping Stones embody the essence of community recovery at Serenity Living Management.  Carefully structured for optimum recovery benefit, each stage helps our clients find strength in their growing self acceptance and comfort in the deep bonds which they establish with their recovering peers.

Foundation, Discovery & Creation

The first Stepping Stone in our recovery plan is Foundation.  Clients receive the highest level of support, structure and direction during this initial stage.  The goal here is just what the name implies:  for clients to build a strong foundation for their long term recovery.  While working through the Foundation stage, clients begin to work through significant obstacles to their successful alcohol and drug treatment, including post-acute withdrawal syndrome, grief and loss issues and the toxic shame inherent to addiction.

The second Stepping Stone in our recovery plan is Discovery. During this stage, we encourage and support our clients in reassessing their thought process and changing their behaviors and thinking to facilitate clean living. We want our clients to discard unhealthy ideas because it is crucial to their success in recovery from drugs and alcohol.  Only when these unhealthy thoughts and habits have been worked through will our clients learn to ask for the help they need and express their painful emotions.  They begin to feel safe during the Discovery Stage.

True empowerment takes place during the Creation Stage of Serenity Living Management’s program.  Clients begin to develop sober and more effective life skills.  They become more comfortable with the idea that they have the power to make sane and healthy choices, regardless of external pressures.  The Serenity Living Management team will address the client’s vocational and educational needs during the Creation stage, as they take the first steps toward reintegration into their homes and communities.

Performance, Integration & Freedom

The Performance stage is defined by an increase in independence and personal responsibility.  It is during the Performance stage that clients begin to apply what they have learned in residential drug rehabilitation to daily life situations.  Clients also begin to work full time or to pursue academic goals at this stage.  They also begin Intensive Outpatient Treatment for drug or alcohol addiction during the Performance stage.

The Integration Stage continues and expands on the work done during the Performance stage.  There is a further increase in independence and personal responsibility as clients accelerate the process of reintegration while continuing to receive treatment on an as-needed basis.  Case managers work with clients closely during Integration, helping them with job placement and educational goals.

The Freedom stage is when clients transition to living full time in the community and attending two outpatient sessions weekly.  Clients are dealing with real life issues at this point and honing the skills they learned during their treatment.  Serenity Living Management continues to support clients during the Freedom Stage however necessary with services available to those who require or ask for them.